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Miniaturka MTV
How Facebook is Stealing Billions of Views
Facebook just announced 8 billion video views per day. This number is made out of lies, cheating and worst of all: theft. All of this is wildly known but the media giant Facebook is pretending everything is fine, while damaging independent creators in the process. How does this work?
okejki 3 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
World's only JetPack flies in New York
Exclusive video of the world's only real JetPack flown in New York around the Statue of Liberty.
okejki 8 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Jak skomplikowany jest twój kod dostępu do telefonu?
Zabezpieczanie telefonu w ten sposób mija się z celem, ale Japończycy jeszcze o tym nie wiedzą. Zresztą, co to dla nich trochę cyfr.
okejki 349 · 84 264x · komentarze 68 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Homemade pneumatic air-gun
In this video clip I am going to show you my pneumatic gun that I assembled from some different plumbing aids and appliances. I am pumping air into the reservoir to build pressure of approximately 7-8 bars. In place of any ammunition rounds I use the dart-shaped spikes! The plastic bottles pumped with some compressed air can be used as the targets. When hitting the target, I adde(…)
okejki 7 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Kid Has Crazy Rollerskating Skills
Kid Has Crazy Rollerskating Skills
okejki 2 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Delfin pomaga dziewczynie wyjść z wody
Złośliwi mówią, że delfin po prostu wyczuł rybę, dlatego tak się zachowywał, ale my wierzymy w jego dobre intencje.
okejki 253 · 69 546x · komentarze 36 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Dogs enter Howling competition, 5 month old wants to battle.
This is a video of our yellow lab and chocolate lab that constantly get into "howling battles" over who is louder and more ridiculous. They do it so often that our son has decided to join in the war. Enjoy.
okejki 1 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Świetny sposób na obieranie ziemniaków
Już nigdy nie kupię obieraczki do ziemniaków.
okejki 237 · 74 183x · komentarze 54 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Drunk guy pumpkin fail
Morda pościerana.
okejki 4 · 8 lat temu
Miniaturka MTV
Swakke the cat hilarious box fail
Swakke getting a bit too curious with a cardboard box, attempting to have a look inside but ending up in a very compromising position!
okejki 1 · 8 lat temu